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If you catch their imaginations, you can change their lives

“It's inspiring to see how art becomes a powerful tool for children coming from difficult backgrounds, who have so much potential but no access to creative education. Seeing how a simple act of drawing on paper without fear, can create so much confidence in a child is magical."


Programmes Manager

"It is powerful to witness that Artreach is bringing art education, methodologies and various practices to those who otherwise have little to no access. The response of the participants is equally magical as it becomes a way of healing and connecting with the world around us."



"I watched children’s faces light up with joy as they played with colour. Hard lives - they were homeless, living at the railway station - but here, now, absorbed in the creative moment they were children again. So I set up Artreach, to catch imaginations, to change lives."


Founder & Managing Trustee


Office Manager

"I am glad to be a part of Artreach to guide children who are living in difficult circumstances. Artreach is establishing a creative and therapeutic platform for these lovely kids. It is an enriching and joyful experience for me to teach these special students."


Programmes Officer

"Art is a powerful tool. it enhances cognitive development, improves emotional well-being, and encourages social skills. Through workshops, children not only discover their artistic talents but also build lasting friendships and a sense of community.
Being part of the team is fun and it's amazing to see how people evolve their art skills in workshops."



“Art can give us a safe outlet for expressing ourselves and our emotions. Artreach creates that safe space by focusing on the process and not the rules of art! It is so satisfying to see children and young people explore and experiment in this environment and find their unique voices."


Teaching Programmes Head

"The engagement and connection with the kids at Artreach has been a beautiful and touching one. It has taught me even more than I could give as a teacher- a pedagogy of love, warmth and laughter."


Apprenticeships, Internships & Mentorships Manager

"As the winds of curiosity freely blow, individuals can express their interests and skills over time. I believe Artreach provides a safe space for creative engagement. For me, it's always inspiring to facilitate learning through multimedia languages, with a focus on interpersonal creative development in a co-learning process."


Programmes Officer

Advisory Panel

Teaching Fellowship

Atul Bhalla
Kristine Michael
Susanta Mandal
Deeksha Nath

Akansha Rastogi (KNMA)

& past Teaching Fellows

Advisory Panel

Community Arts

Gulaam Mohammed Sheikh
Mary Therese Kurkalang
Arundhati Ghosh
Akansha Rastogi
Deeksha Nath

Trustees & Advisors

Charty Dugdale

Ishmael Chawla

Deeksha Nath

Kachina Chawla

Kanwarjit Chawla

Neeraj Jain

Our Artist Grantees

Teaching Fellows

Our Team

NGO Partners


Delhi Young

Artists Forum



We are glad that Artreach India provided us this amazing opportunity. The workshops opened our eyes and taught our kids skills which will brighten their futures and put more colours in their dreams.

- Veena Lal, Karm Marg

Knowledge Partners, Supporters, Donors

Community Arts Grantees

Teaching Artists







Rangskhembor Mawblei


Gulafsha and Seema (DYAF)


Nakul Singh Sawhney

2021, 2023

Anitha N


Dipankar Panging


Birender Kumar


Avinash Karn

2016-18, 2020-23

Sreejata and Mrityunjay (Revue)


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